Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to How to Interrupt a Speaker 🎉

    2. Introduction to Interruptions

    1. Why and When to Interrupt

    2. Techniques for Interrupting

    3. Interrupting Aggression

    4. A Note on Rhythm

    1. About the Role Play Scenarios

    2. Introducing Ez Bridgman

    3. Someone is Oversharing

    4. Someone Criticizes the Process

    5. Someone Veers Off Topic

    6. Someone Criticizes the Facilitator Personally

    7. Someone is Lost in Personal Reflections or Musings

    8. Someone Makes an Offensive or Triggering Comment

    9. Someone Makes an Offensive or Triggering Comment [Full Length]

    1. Bonus: Interrupted Reading in Groups

    1. What's next?

    2. What did you think about the course?

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content