Course curriculum

    1. A message from Nadia

    2. How to Use this Course

    3. Embodiment with Laura June Albert: Proprioception

    4. Before we begin...

    5. The Three Key Skills of a Facilitator

    6. Feedback for 'Welcome to Toolsi's Intermediate Follow Along'

    1. Introduction to You Are the Instrument

    2. Embodiment with Laura June Albert: Joint Warmup

    3. Your Life as a River

    4. Facilitator Andrew Nalani Leading River of Life

    5. Draw Your Life as a River

    6. Personal Introduction

    7. Nadia's Example: A Personal Intro for Toolsi

    8. Your Personal Introduction

    9. Feedback for 'You are the instrument'

    1. Introduction to Activities - Choosing, Adjusting and Mastering

    2. Embodiment with Laura June Albert: Dancing the Warmup

    3. Activities Collection Assignment

    4. Giving Clear Instructions

    5. Clear Instructions 2

    6. Clear Instructions 3

    7. Clear Instructions 4

    8. Clear Instructions 5

    9. Clear Instruction 6

    10. Clearing Instructions 7

    11. Clear Instructions 8

    12. Clear Instructions 9

    13. Clear Instructions 10

    14. Clear Instructions Assignment

    15. Mastering Activities with IEOM

    16. IEOM: Intention

    17. IEOM: Essentials

    18. IEOM: Obstacles

    19. IEOM: Magic

    20. Assignment Review

    21. Feedback for 'Activities - Choosing, Adjusting and Mastering'

    1. Introduction to Intention

    2. Embodiment with Laura June Albert: Wholeness and Parts

    3. Your Personal Leadership Vision

    4. Intention Leads to a Field of Choice

    5. Intention Leads to a Field of Choice

    6. Further Learning on Personal Leadership

    7. Taking a Facilitative Stance

    8. Yes, And as a Facilitative Stance

    9. The Myth of Neutrality

    10. A Story about Neutrality

    11. Facilitative Stance Assignment

    12. Feedback for 'Setting Intentions'

    1. Strength-Based Facilitation

    2. Embodiment with Laura June Albert: Body Constellation

    3. Strength-Based Assignment Part 1

    4. Strength-Based Overview

    5. Three Possible Lenses to See Your Group

    6. Some Resources for Spotting and Naming Strengths

    7. How to Use This Lens

    8. Strength-Based is not Compliments or Praise

    9. What is the Benefit of a Strength-Based Lens

    10. Would you Rather Win or Transform?

    11. More on the Fear of Condoning Behaviour

    12. From Your Own View

    13. Strength Based As Your First Lens

    14. Strengths as an Offering

    15. Strengths as Scaffolding

    16. Strength-Based Assignment Part 2

    17. Feedback for 'Strength Based Facilitation'

    1. Foundations of Design and Delivery

    2. Embodiment with Laura June Albert: Mirroring

    3. Foundations Assignment Part 1

    4. Why I Always Make a Plan

    5. Making a Plan Worksheet

    6. An Overview of the Arc of Design

    7. What is an Acknowledgment?

    8. Example: Meditation on Land

    9. Acknowledgements Assignment

    10. Goals: Wise Whys

    11. Wise Whys

    12. When the Group Creates the Goals

    13. Means and Ends

    14. Agreements Part 1

    15. Agreements Part 2

    16. Agreements Part 3

    17. Agreements Part 4

    18. Agreements Assignment

    19. Warm Ups

    20. Not Energizers and Icebreakers

    21. But Sometimes Energizers and Icebreakers (Optional Party Story!!)

    22. The Main Activity

    23. Activity Choices Assignment

    24. What is Harvesting

    25. Harvesting for Individuals

    26. Harvesting for Small Groups

    27. Directed Harvesting

    28. Notetakers and Graphic Facilitators

    29. Circle Processes

    30. Debriefing

    31. Endings: Celebration and Closing

    32. Foundations Assignment Part 2

    33. Feedback for 'Foundations of Design and Delivery'

About this course

  • Free
  • 99 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content